Ability to have different schedule depending on the day of the week for same content

Hi, I have few scendarios where this I think is very crucial. **Restaurants:** Some/most reastaurants have different schedules Mon-Thu and another schedule for Fri-Sun. * Let's say my restaurant Operates Mon-Thu 10am to 10PM, Fri - Sat 10AM - 12 AM and Sun 11AM - 9PM : The only way I can set a schedule is to create Three different Content(Digital Menu in this case) Time Entries and Three different Turn off Time Entries. Solution: This can be easily avoided, by letting the user to select different timings depending on the day of the week. Implementation: Let us choose a Start & end time selection for each day of the week. I attached a screenshot for your reference. **Offices**: Same thing applies for office spaces. If they are only Mon-Fri 9 am to 5pm. 1 content schedule & 2x Turn off Time Entries are needed to set that behavior.