Hi Yodeckerđź‘‹
Together we can discuss new ideas and suggestions to make our service even better for you! Feel free to share your ideas with us! How would you rate your experience?
Together we can discuss new ideas and suggestions to make our service even better for you! Feel free to share your ideas with us!
Together we can discuss new ideas and suggestions to make our service even better for you! Feel free to share your ideas with us!
changed description "How are you still in business ? You provide the absolute worst customer service of any company in exisatnce. Your product is sub par and the twit that you have making the tutorial videos is giving wrong information. For the love of God either revamp your product or close up shop and try again in a few years ! "
Wow, that is truly not nice.
I can not confirm your opinion about support at all, quite the opposite. the guys are very friendly, competent and always answer super fast. All my tickets have been processed and resolved quickly so far.
@joergska I imagine that you have a relative or friend that probably works there.
@patrick819 well you're wrong
I don't agree with you (I don't have a relative or friend works there and I am not looking for a discount :D). I've tested most of the digital signage software out there (and the famous ones) and in the end I went with Yodeck... Of course it is not perfect and it can be improved (everyone can write suggestions/critics) but overall it is currently one of the best in the market.
Same as Faressallemi, I've used pretty much all the big name products, and decided to switch to Yodeck. I'm guessing the Customer Service weren't able to accommodate your requests, and you've come here to vent?
Quick Question: Are you still using Yodeck?